Monday, March 5, 2012

Getting started

Hello there. A little background here...growing up I very rarely watched movies therefore if a movie was made before 2005 the chances of me having seen it are very rare. Unless we're talking about Boondock Saints because that movie is just amazing, and other random movies. My friends, and random strangers, are always amazed when they quote a movie or mention a scene in a movie from their childhood or teenage years and I'm just like "yeah....totally..."

I'm sick of never getting things like this so I've decided to take charge and change this. I've asked my friends and colleagues to suggest movies they grew up with and think everyone should see. At least three times a week I will watch a movie that someone has suggested. These range from childhood classics like beauty and the beast to comedy classic Airheads to Gone with the Wind to Apollo 13 to Jay and Silent Bob to Sex and the City. We're covering everything here people. EVERYTHING.

First movie on the list was supposed to be It but of course it's not on instant queue in Netflix so we're settling for Airheads. But waaaaaiiiit Mark shows up to save the day! We now have It.

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