Monday, March 5, 2012

Movie #1.....It

This post is dedicated to Nancy (and Steve D) because Nancy is terrified of clowns and Steve equally likes to scare her with them.

main screen and we're already making sex jokes...."if you look quick the balloon looks like a sperm..."

uhm what? The clown climbs out of a grave...?

I guess the black guy doesn't die. Thanks, Mark.

This guys ponytail is awesome. It rocks.

I just found out that two of the people I'm watching this are scared of clowns. I don't get it people, they're clowns!! They're not scary. This is now dedicated to Nancy, Dani, and Steve K.

Yeah that's gross. I don't balloons full of blood exploding on me.  Wait is it all in his head?

I love that cell phone!

Why is this clown in their heads? I don't get it.

What the hell. Zombie!

So what's with the yellow balloons? I don't get it...

The clowns teeth are the creepiest thing. They're just ugly.

ADD is setting in with this movie. There are nerf darts and a phone close by. I will not be distracted. I will not be distracted.

Focusing on the Clown in the Moon. "Remember, you chased those brats. You almost got them. Almost! don't you want another chance?"

Please let all of their fortune cookies say they're going to die!!!! Even better. Blood and cockroaches. and an eyeball. and a...thing. dead baby bird! dead baby bird! oh no. it's gonna be a spider. oh fuck. i hate spiders. yes, run! phew! i thought they were really going to show the spider.

And the nerf shoot starts!! but wait....Stan is dead... Shit just got real.

distracted by nerf guns

And this first blog is an epic fail because we all got distracted by nerf guns. I'll re-try this tomorrow.

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