Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Whole Nine Yards

Okie Dokie. The Whole Nine Yards premiered in 2000 so it's pretty old, definately makes the 'before 2005 cut' it's a comedy although it has Bruce Willis in it - which I've never seen one of his comedies so I have no idea if thats a good thing or not. but it also has this guy...

and he's pretty sweet. from what i remember of Armageddon at least.

Oh BTW i should probably mention that today is St. Paddy's day and I am a wee bit tipsy still so please forgive any side bar streams or me just being completely random throughout. kaythanks. :)

So yeah, popcorn is popped and i have a pepsi to my right. Time to press play. or the green button on my xbox controller. A i think it is. whatever. pressing the button in!

ehhhh WTF. the little thing at the bottom of the screen won't go away!!! Technical difficulites!! okay, we're good. i just pressed random buttons on the remote till it went away.

I don't really like Matthew Perry. I mean, he was good in friends but every movie i've seen him i hvaen't like him.

But we're in Montreal, i like Montreal! Not really, Toronto is better.  I don't like the frenchies.

So what kind of dentist has this shitty of a car? aren't the supposed to make bank? uhm....holy freak out.
Do i look like that when i drive? i bet i look more insane. cuter, but more insane.

Oh well, if he works in this shitty of a building as a dentist then it's no wonder he's driving that car.
I hated those kinds of hats. and HOLY CRAP, put a bar on and don't shake the hot sauce until you've done so!! good lord, people, i hope it was just the time period.

hahahaha. come on really, contain yourself. no need to run away from the guy. walk, don't run. running shows fear. I wouldn't be able to deal with someone like Matthew Perry as my husband. show a little dignity, man, seriously. Although this part could be a little unnerving. Not sure how I would act around a killer. If, you know, I knew they were a killer.

I hate people like her. Get a job to pay your dads debt. don't let it fall on your husband to do it. and then make up lies. ughhhhhh and her stupid frenchie accent is annoying!!! SO annoying! WOW. and to think i used to want a bug when i was younger. if that thought was even remotely in my head still it sure isn't now.

"You married Sophie, didn't you?" hahahaha.

Every time someone in a movie is named Frank i think of Frank the Tank. Best character named Frank EVER.
Yeah, he has no idea when to keep his mouth shut. Awwww come on, he doesn't really fall for the mobsters wife or whatever she is.This is where you say, "I want a finders fee" Yeah, see you don't ask. You say. Ugh. Well, lets keep in mind, it's not Matthew Perry i dislike, it's the character he's playing. Although i really don't like Matthew Perry too. The black guy, I like. Matthew Perry, not so much.

Don't run. Don't run. Don't run. Ohh but running would be so fun! Run. Run. Run. Run.

Have I mentioned that I hate his wife? No? Oh well, in that case, I hate his wife. and Matthew Perry. and his wife.

I think it's interesting that this movie is so old people can smoke in hotels. Haven't seen that in a while. I like her shirt. not the jacket. She needs better posture.

Uhm....the hitman doesn't believe in divorce. riiiight cause that makes loads of sense.
 So he wants her dead. He wants the money. To get the money he also needs Yani dead.

hahaha. she looks like a drunk bobble head. She has bad teeth.

(I'm in a very critical mood right now)

"Probably working on her alibi" yeah I would be too.

How do hitmen always know what hotel room you're staying in? I think these people are just stupid and don't use aliases. Like really? Come on.

Okay, French is pretty when sung. At least by her.

OUCH. Slap in the face. Dude, really, your wife is ugly, her voice is annoying, she has bad values, a bad personality, bad everything. errr people bother me. annoying, dysfunctional, stupid, ignorant, selfish people.

He has a beeper. Oh the 90's.

hahahahahaha. ew. he did not just do that to the fly.
"What is wrong with you?"
"I dunno"

Okay this movie is getting a lot better.

My pepsi went flat :(

I HATE how high his pants are.

It's weird watching all these old movies and seeing the cars that are now old and well, old, be so in and high class then.

I don't know if Yani is really short and black guy is really tall or Yani is average height and black guy is really tall or whats up. Doesn't really matter, does it. See random tangent. "Now ve vait until" Like see, Matthew Perry, not so bright. Sitting on tires, really?

That's a pretty memorable first kill for her. Neck shot naked.

And the stupid wife runs into the woods. yep she's stupid.

Pretty sweet plan on Matthew Perry's part. Saw something like that coming considering he's a dentist and all.

Well, it was worth a try, Matthew Perry.

I wonder how many guns are at the bottom of every river.

aww, Frankie, just let him live. Kill the wife, let him live. I like Cynthia's eyes. they're pretty. WHOA. did not see that one coming. Well, yeah, as Jimmy just said - I had to kill one of you. Good choice. (Drinking Miller Lite)

"Maybe I have changed since my death"

I want curly hair like that!

AWWW Matthew Perry just won my heart. "No, I don't want to marry you. I want to marry you more than anyone has ever wanted to marry someone in the history of the world"

So I want to know where they're dancing right now because I'm pretty sure there is no place like that in NF. OH WAIT they're on the Canadian side. yeah that explains it.

So yeah. Pretty good. Not my favourite so far, thought I would like it more considering who recomended it but whatever it was still good and i laughed and that's what i wanted. But i think this gets 3 stars. Yeah sounds about right.

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