Friday, March 23, 2012

Lost in Translation

Finally back here writing something and watching movies. This week hasn't been crazy or anything I just haven't felt like watching a movie. Plus yesterday I hurt my neck somehow and I'm a considerable amount of pain. Which turns out is a good time for me to do nothing but sit here and watch a movie. So tonight's movie is Lost in Translation featuring Bill Murray. 

awww i didn't know ScarJo was in this! I love her! I love her more now that she's not married to Ryan Reynolds but I still love her. (btw I saw his new movie, Safe House, the other day and it was pretty amazing. That man is a great actor. So is Denzel Washington. Did I spell that right? oh whatever, who cares. Okay I do. must correct this. Well find out if it needs correcting....yep I did, spell check just doesn't recognize it so we're good. I'm good. whatever.)

Why is that I've never seen this movie cover....

I've only ever seen these one...

So I'm not even sure what this movie is about. Is this the one where Bill Murray is in the elevator with a bunch of Asians and he's super tall cause well....Asians are short? I guess I'll find out. 

This preview looks good....21 grams. I've never even heard of that movie. and I love the next preview! Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is SO good. Never heard of Swimming Pool. Didn't look that great either.

Okay, finally starting.

uhm....okay? that's one hell of a way to start a movie off. definitely got my attention. and now we're to Bill Murray on a bus. RANDOM. we go from some chicks ass in bed to Bill Murray in a cab (my apologies I thought it was a bus at first) And we're in Japan, so I'm thinking this is definitely in the movie I was thinking of.

They're all about the business cards.
YES!!! I didn't even have to wait long to see that scene! Although I was hoping it would be more epic than that. Like farther into the movie would make it more dramatic.
WTF!?! all the scenes/pictures I've ever seen of this movie just happened in the first two minutes. I'm getting kind of upset. these guys have him confused with someone else? Him in a car chase? I have no idea what is going on. urgh. I don't like this.

A fax machine in the hotel room? Yep, we're in the early 2000's here. That would annoy me.

And enter ScarJo. Damn she's young here. hahahahaha. I would never make it in Japan, I'm way too tall.

I would like a view like that someday. maybe. not for a long time. i think. who knows lol.

OH. so he is an actor. Bill Murray plays an actor. Okay. I dig it. Is he speaking English. No, no he definitely isn't. HOLY crap. are they just making it seem like they're saying way more? I'm with Bill Murray here. Yeah. That's just annoying.

The lady standing to ScarJos left looks like the Japanese version of the mum in PS I love you. (Random, I know)

I would like to visit a scantuary. But now I'm confused if we're in Japan or China....maybe this is China. I think this might be China. Crap. Awww, poor ScarJo. When are we going to get some character names?

Like, really, how hold is she in this becuase she seems super young. 20. She was 20.

That's gotta be weird. Seeing yourself on TV being dubbed over. UHm...whoa. WTF.This is just enforcing the idea that Chinese (I've concluded we're in China not Japan) are crazy.

Flip phone flash back. Give the man some whiskey!hahahahahahahaha. I'm sorry. this movie is ridiculous. Can I stop watching? This is so pointless. What is the plot? Oh look! ScarJo and Bill Murray are in the same restaurant, maybe something exciting will FINALLY happen. Go ScarJo! Make that first move.

Oh Charlotte, ScarJo finally has a name. I kinda want to rock a sweater vest. Kind of.

Chinese TV is so weird.
What's the drinking age in China?
Wait....really? Japan had Guitar Hero in 2003?!?!?!?!?!?!? WTF!?!
wait....China. Japan. China. Japan. I don't know.
It's so weird that a red headed white lady is singing in a Chinese/Japanese hotel restaurant.
she's annoying. Anna Farris's character I mean. I hope I never come off that way. A stupid, self centered, arrogant, ditzy, white chick. I probably do all the time. That needs to change.

I want one of those light up ball things. What are they shooting? Paintball guns?

Stoner Chinese/Japanese. Rock on. They're pretty normal on American standards. I mean they're not the high pitch crazy Chinese.Japanese. I think I'm officially going with Chinese.

I'm still confused as to the point of this movie. Being lonely in China?

"I"m special. So special." Good song. Don't know Bill Murray's song though. Maybe it's cause he's butchering it.

So clearly they have a thing for each other, but really that's all I see so far and we're, what, an hour into the movie. Other than that I see no point.

How long is this movie? I'm getting really bored.

That hospital is just weird. I need to get out more. But so are Bull Murray's shoes. and now they're saying Japan so are they in Japan or China?

Holy Crap. Was not expecting that. AT ALL. WTF.

That sweater is cute.

Those are cups? China is weird.

and back to the monks we go. Monks are pretty cool though. Is it cold in Japan? China? We're those ladies feet...what is it called....bound. i feel like there's a special term for it....

No special name, just a very, very, very disgusting picture. Looks more like a pigs hoof then a human foot. 
What did she tie to the tree? I feel as though this is significant somehow...

What are those crazy people in the van doing? All I heard was Kowizaki. Or however you say it. Spell it. you know, the Japanese racing company.

That guy is SO annoying. and so is his suit. sooooo is this Japan? I swear she just said Japan. I'm looking at IMDb when this is over so I don't go crazy.

This movie is so scattered. Even for me.

HE WANTS TO EAT JAPANESE FOOD!!! THEY MUST BE IN JAPAN!!!! I will agree with Bill Murray here. Japanese food is fantastic and so healthy for you.

So the redhead plays more than just the singer? or not. or yes. yes it is. and you were doing so good.

That sound annoys me and it's just a movie. People in hazmat suits in my hotel would scare me!
aww that was cute. aww so is that!
She never gave him the coat.

Please don't get hit by a bus. Please don't get hit by a bus. Yes! No getting hit by a bus! Instead we get a lovely kiss.

I didn't know they drove on the wrong side of the road in Japan.

So this movie was pretty freakin pointless. It was cute but I feel like I just wasted nearly two hours of my life. I feel like nothing happened. Are all movies from the 90's and 00's this boring? I really hope not or else I'm in for it big time. It was cute but just not enough substance for me. I need more. I need depth and layers, not scenes with no talking for most of the movie. I dunno. Maybe I don't like this because I'm not myself today...who knows. Not enough things were explained to me, they kinda just happened. Like, what did she tie to the tree? What happened to her husband? Was he having an affair with Anna Farris? What happened to Anna Farris? these are questions I want anwsered, not to mention the questions that I have that I wouldn't expect to be answered like: Do they ever see each other again? Does he fix his marriage? Does she fix hers? Do they fall in love and run away together? Do their lives change forever because of what happened? ugh. I need answers people!

So, yeah, I give this film 2 stars. I'm thinking even less but I can't do that because I didn't hate the movie, I just didn't particularly like it.

Here's to hoping whatever movie I watch next is better than this one.

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